Saturday, November 09, 2013


Saturday November 2, 2013

13 years ago we met Seiji when he came to work with us in Australia Bethel on plans for the India Branch. Since then he returned to Japan, left Bethel and got married. Now the shoe is on the other foot. We have come to Japan Branch to work with them on some plans but... but this time, we working with Seiji's brother Junichi.

Junichi and his wife Seiji and his wife Kyoko

Last Weekend we were invited to stay with Seiji and Kyoko at their home in Kawosaki, about an hour from Bethel.

And in typical Japanese style, they and their friends showered us with hospitality. In a large upper room we enjoyed a banquet with them and the friends in their field service group.

Sushi, we love it...

And more sushi...
And so much more good food...
Some of the friends

Two sisters even wore their kimonos.
After the feasting... a great crowd of the friends from the congregation arrived.
Now, how do you get a group of Japanese brothers and sisters excited???

Simple, just add 1 gray (Alex hates the way I spell gray) Bible!!!
As we blogged a few weeks ago, the Japan Branch printed, bound, and shipped millions of English language revised New World Translation Bibles to many parts of the world.
Naturally, it will take a while for the revised translation to be translated and made available in many, many more languages. We are so spoiled... So these Japanese brother had not seen the RNWT, until now.
The resplendent sister in the middle, who's English was very good already, had a copy on her ipad and quickly highlighted some of the features to her friends...
Japan has a culture of respect that is very much to be admired but nowhere is it more evident than the respect the friends have for God's word. A lesson for us.
"the laying on of hands"
Only thing was, I needed my Bible, but it seemed as though everybody wanted a piece of it... But it was returned to me in perfect condition. Just in time for the meeting.
It was time for Seiji pull out his English interpreting skills.
But later that evening, we three were more than happy just to sit back and be regaled by Kyoko's fabulous storytelling ability. Reminded me of a scene from out of Africa, but that's another story... A delightful evening to remember.


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