Monday, December 31, 2012


December 24 2012
No trip to New York is compleat without a visit to central park. Its some 25 years since Alexandra ice skated so it was with some trepidation that she approached the Wollman Rink in Central Park... But she is a determined little thing and nothing would prevent her from skating on this day.
But...where's Alexandra???
Oh, there she is...
And loving it
Where's Elmo??? Look closely, he is there...
Oh, there he is again... He seems pretty happy wit himself too.
Central Park in the winter
The patriot in the park... Who knows?
Robert Burns dreaming of the plans of mice and men
Who doesn't love Central Park?

1 comment:

  1. Awww Alex, you're still as beautiful as ever. Bruno just sent me the link to your blog and as I love reading blogs and even more have missed you guys I was so happy to be able to follow along on your travels. Well, have a bit of catching up to do so reading from the start. Lots of love and hugs from Maureen (Steve and kids).
