Sunday, December 30, 2012


Sunday December 23
Meet Wendell, one of our DBD buddies. He like to keep a low profile so we cannot tell you too much about him.

Suffice it to say, he took us to Pratt congregation in Brooklyn, then in the... And then to pizza and then..

A NYC KH wit a car park... Unheard of

Wendell took us on a special outing... You might call it a fore-gleam. We drove from Brooklyn across the Brooklyn bridge...
Through Manhattan
Up the west side
Across the 1931 George Washington bridge that spans the Husdon river. (Most things in the USA are named Washington). And then about an hour upstate to... Where do you think???
Where is that? No, not the IBM building on the left. Look across the other side of the lake there. Yep, that's the site of the new JW world head quarters at Warwick.
Well, lots of shots of the same thing really... We were not able to go onto the property but its certainly a beautiful place for a new bethel. If you haven't already you can see a little more at

And just down the road, another property the society has acquired at Tuxeedo. Pretty cool 70s architecture. It's being used as a staging site for the upcoming construction at Warwick.
Then it was back across the George Washington
Back down the west side of Manhattan
Throug Manhattan ... and home again. Another big day out. Tomorrow our vacation begins.
Thanx Wendell
Bye for now

1 comment:

  1. That Tuxeedo building was a suprise. I didnt know about that one! The building on the water is very LeCorbusier.

    Hopefully the world headquarters are complete by July of this year (not likely!!!!) lol!
